Shanxi Opera in Pingyao

Shanxi Opera in Pingyao 晋剧

Below are some photos we took of a Shanxi Opera performance in the city of Pingyao. Shanxi Opera is known as Jin Opera 晋剧 in China and it’s popularity has spread far further afield than just Shanxi Province.

Shanxi Opera Singer
Shanxi Opera Singer

It should be noted that most of the male roles are played by women

Pingyao is one of the centers of Shanxi Opera

The make up is really incredible
ZZ Top
Keeping him away with a stick
The musicians could look more inspired
These musicians are doing better for now but soon tire
a Belting voice
Fantastic costumes
Singing with emotion
This guy has attitude
Amazing hand movements
Just about to put in the punch line
All the world’s a stage and we are just actors
I think she has played the tune a few too many times
Great contrasting expressions