Weibao Shan 巍宝山
Yunnan Province
Spooky Weibao Shan 巍宝山 located in the heart of the Yi minority countryside. This facsinating and lonely place is a must for anyone visiting the historic town of Weishan
A spooky grey sky hangs heavily over the summit of Weibao Shan, the air laden with the threat of a summer storm that refuses to burst. We catch a glimpse of a fluorescent green snake, slithering through the eye socket of a charred Taoist deity; victim of a lightning strike that had reduced his temple to a ghostly shell.
Down below, deep forests cover the slopes of the mountain and ancient Yi villages pepper the bottom of the valley. The only other sign of life is a slightly dotty old caretaker and her dozens of cats.
Situated about 55 kilometers from Continue reading “Spooky Weibao Shan 巍宝山”